Friday, November 6, 2009

33 weeks and 3rd baby shower

I am 33 weeks now and things are feeling a little different in the belly. Before I could definately feel her moving. Yes, I can still feel this, but I can feel a lot of other things as well. I can feel her from the outside and my stomach is moving with her. When she kicks or hits or moves you can see my stomach make these moves with her. It is quite interesting and makes me laugh every time because I am so amazed by it.
We had a docs appointment last week and they think that she is going to be about 7.5 pds. Everything is looking really good and she is growing right on target. Now we just have to wait 7 weeks for her to arrive. We have another appointment next week and then we have one the week of Thanksgiving and then we start our "once-a-week" appointments.
I have completely put the crib together and now looking for all the decorations. I am eager to get it all put together and done...SOON!!! Now that we have had all of our baby showers we can focus on what we still need to buy and get everything up and ready to go for the little babe!
Right now we are looking for a pediatrician and still trying to figure out who baby Potter will be spending her days with while mommy and daddy work. So hard to think about, don't know how I will cope, but know that I have to do it!! That's why I am in school I can eventually stay home with her and work from home...hopefully 2yrs from now this will happen!
Our 3rd baby shower was GREAT. I had good company and got lots of good things. We got our swing, pack-n-play, clothes, diapers, wipes, hangers and other good's. I think we are ready for her to arrive!!!
I am going to try and post more within these last 7 weeks, I have just been busy with work and school goods. Enjoy the pics and I will talk at you soon, GOD bless you all, PEACE;)

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