Sunday, September 20, 2009

Follow up on wearing heels

Wearing heels went a lot better than I thought. I started at 9:00 and they didn't really start hurting until around 3:30 or so. But I do have to say, when they started hurting, they were REALLY hurting. I looked cute for the day and that's all that matters, right?
On another note, I am having some major heartburn today and it started with a chocolate chip cookie....I find this to be weird, but whatevs. Woof is buying some tums for me and hopefully it takes it away. I should be eating dinner soon and it so doesn't sound good since this heartburn thing is going on. Gotta fatten this baby up though. She is only 2 pounds right now, we need her to get bigger! Well Woof is home now, gonna feed myself the meds and hopefully eat dinner. Talk at you soon, PEACE;)

Wearing heels today....heelarious!!

I am wearing heels for the first time, during my pregnancy, today. We shall see how it works out for me, especially since I have been having problems in the leg department. haha!! I will give an update on how it goes! Luckily, they are low heels, no 4 inch stuff going on.
I had a great weekend with all of my girls in town visiting, it was soooo great to see them and for them to see this lovely belly of mine for the first time. I wish they lived here so we could visit ALL the time. Oh well, life takes you different places sometimes, but that's why you have to hold on to those friendships and hold tight.
Today I am going to church, this is the first Sunday we have woken up early enough, since I have been pregnant, to be able to go. It is well needed at this time. I have been missing it and I need it back in my life, it is important to me and makes me who I am.
Today is also the 3yr anniversary of my gma Ventresco's death so I will be going to the cemetery to visit her and the gpa. Oh how I miss them!!! I haven't been to the cemetery in about 2yrs, but remember them in my own way. Today I KNOW that I need to go visit the grave site. In honor of the grandparents here are a few of my favorite things each of them said, and this says a lot about their personalities and who they were: My grandma is saying this to me as she is holding a banana and rubberband "Here let me show you how to put a condom on a guy Vanessa". I don't know what the conversation was about when my grandpa said this: "Your grandma was one hard cherry to pop". They are such sick comments, but HEELARIOUS to think that they came from my grandparents mouths. LOVE AND MISS THEM!!!
Everyone have a great day and I will talk at you soon, PEACE;)