Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dr's Appt

We had our checkup yesterday, andddddd everything looks good. My belly is measuring right on target and the babes heart beat sounds great!!!! Great news! NO ultrasound during this appointment, we won't have one for another 6 weeks so I think I am going to go and have the 3d/4d ultrasound done again....once we hit our 28 week mark. After our doctors appt we did our traditional lunch: FIVE GUYS, also know as, HEAVEN!!! Good eats, that's fo' sho!!!
We went and got our flu shots today, my doctor told me that it was a MUST that I get it by the end of the week so we went and did it as soon as I got off of work. Once she gets the vaccine for H1N1 in October I have to go back for that. This schtuff is freaking scarry, I wish it would all end, dang Panademic.
On a happy note, I am excited because the invitations to my next baby shower are being sent out, which means it will be here soon. I can't wait to see everyone.
Well Buckeyes will be playing soon and I need to sneak in a nap before it starts.....or else I won't be up for much of it. GOOOOOOO BUCKSSSSSSSS!!!!
Talk at you soon, PEACE;)