Sunday, September 13, 2009

My homemade (Woof made it) halloween costume!!

I went to a baby shower today that was also a halloween contest. So, we went the cheap route and tried to put something together, or should I say, Woof did. He put this mask together so that it would fit around the belly, and yes those are dog collars that I bought that didn't fit the dogs, so he thought he would put them to good use. Looks pretty good, eh? Although I would've liked if we had friendlier pumpkin faces, I feel like we look like the devil pumpkins. Oh well! It was fun and funny to see myself in this lovely attire. I put a couple of before pics and a couple after pics!! Look at that beautiful artwork. Ok, well it's time to eat my homemade mashed potatoes and grilled hotdogs........YUMMMMM!!! Talk at you soon, PEACE;)