Saturday, August 29, 2009

the things we say when we're pregnant

So we are going to an event tonight at the clippers stadium. Chris' work rented out tables for dinner on the field with the company of a band. Should be fun, and definately something different for a Saturday night....especially since my normal Saturday nights consist of a nap when I get home. NOT TONIGHT, I will be out living it up!! Woo-Woo!
I said to Chris when I got home: It's funny how when I wasn't pregnant I would worry about what I ate throughout the day before going to something like this because I wouldn't want to look bloated or full, now I have no worries. I will eat whatever and it will NEVER show!!!! The mind of a pregnant lady, gotta love it!!!
Chris started painting the nursery today, YAY! So I walked in to check it out and said, "Is this all you did?" HOw ungrateful is that. I LOVE YOU WOOF, Thanks for all you did today. He is finishing it tomorrow, I will take pics and post on here.
Everyone have a WONDERFUL SAturday night and I will talk at you soon! PEACE ;)