Tuesday, October 13, 2009

29 weeks pics

Forgot to add these. Here is the growing belly at 29weeks...you know what that means, growing belly=growing baby. Don't know what that yellow one is all about....but it was on the camera so I just decided to put it on here.

Sooooo excited...

We have a big event coming up...my family/friends baby shower and I am SUPER excited. I am so excited to see/hangout with everyone and for those who don't get to see my bump that often....to see it. My sisters, mom and Britt have been working their butts off to put this whole thing together and have been keeping it a secret from me along the way, so I CAN'T wait to see the decorations, the food and all the love that they have put into it.
On another note, I am 29 weeks as of today, but will be 30 weeks on Wednesday. OUT OF THE 20's, yay!! I have been thinking about all the wonderful things to come....like LABOR and we are going to set up our pregnancy class this week. Can't wait to start this and learn all the wonderful things about having a natural birth and breastfeeding. It's funny how this day in age if you mention having a natural birth everyone tries to talk you out of it, the epidural has been "the thing" to have done for so long and its unbelievable to others that someone would not want to have this done. I am telling you now...I DON'T WANT AN EPIDURAL. For soooo many reasons and I will try my hardest to keep it from happening.
I have also realized that we will now have 10weeks left and I feel like we have so much to do. We need to finish her room, finish "the happiest baby on the block" book and video, put everything together, and do our classes.....and we have to do all of this in the midst of holidays, and all of our other weekly/weekend activites.
Well, my little pup Gio is at the vet hospital tonight for chewing the "sucky" part off of my nieces pacifier earlier today and that's why I am on here...it's 1:10 am and I should sooooo be in bed, so I am going to TRY and go back to sleep. GOD bless you all and I will talk at you soon, PEACE;)