Monday, September 7, 2009


The room has been painted and it looks good. It is green, the colors are green and pink and I think I might even through a little bit of chocolate brown into the mix.....we shall see. Woof took his WHOLE Saturday to finish painting it, in the end it needed more coats than we thought it would, 3.
While he was painting I took a trip to Cincinnati to help find Jen's wedding dress, in which I believe she did. She looks GORGEOUS in it and it gave me the chills when she put it on. We had a fun girls trip and now I can't wait for the rest of the wedding planning process. It's so much fun to be on the other side of wedding planning....although I do think I want to get remarried every year so that I can wear a new dress....there are a lot of pretty dresses out there. All of these monumental moments in our lives makes me so excited, a baby and a wedding on the way, gotta love it!!!
Hopefully the rain settles! We plan on going to the upper arlington arts festival today, I want to find some unique things to hang in the babes room! Then we will be off to the rents for dinner and to get the final list together for the baby shower! FUNNNNNNN!! I love HOMECOOKED meals, especially when someone else makes them, YUM!!
I'm gonna get off of here for now, I will talk at you soon. PEACE;)

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